You’ve done it – the hard work you put into your fundraising strategies is paying off and the donations are pouring in.
Now what?
Staying organized about how you input, send receipts for, and acknowledge each donation you receive is critical for many reasons, including retaining your donors.
Download our Prep Your Team Self-Assessment Checklist and use it to run an internal audit of these systems, making improvements as needed along the way.
As with any business, your nonprofit likely has many systems in place. To keep your organization running smoothly, it’s important to audit these systems from time to time to ensure they are functioning as they should.
One of the most important systems for a nonprofit organization is the process of receiving, receipting, and acknowledging donations. There are many steps in this process and each is a best practice to ensure you retain donors and keep the funds coming in. Some of the steps – such as sending receipts for every donation – are even legally required!
But how do you know if your team’s donation processing system is running optimally? We’ve put together this Prep Your Team Self-Assessment Checklist to help with exactly that!
First, download the free checklist – you can even print out a copy for each member of your team. Then, set up a team meeting to go through the checklist item by item. You may even want to hold a separate meeting for each part of the process: Receive, Receipt, and Acknowledge.
Review each item carefully and discuss if anything needs to be done differently in order to tighten up your gift processing practices. This self-assessment will help you find gaps in your data, discrepancies in the way different team members handle certain tasks, and more.
After running through this checklist and making your improvements, you should be able to more easily find patterns in your data, create better donation receipts, improve the way you show your gratitude for each gift that comes in the door, and more.
Ready to improve the way you process donations? Download the Prep Your Team Self-Assessment Checklist now!
Donorbox aims to provide nonprofits with simple, effective tools to manage their fundraising activities, form better relationships with their donors, and build sustainable growth for their organization.
As one of the industry’s top fundraising platforms, Donorbox offers a variety of products, including donate buttons, embedded fundraising forms, custom fundraising pages, Text-to-Give, Peer-to-Peer, crowdfunding campaigns & more.
Donorbox is free to sign up, with no contracts and no montly fees. Along with the lowest processing fees in the industry, we have all the tools you'll ever need to get your mission from start to sustainability to success!