Make Your Golf Fundraiser a Hole in One

Plan ahead to ensure your next charity golf tournament is a success.

There’s a lot that goes into planning an exciting and effective fundraising event, Charity golf tournaments are no exception, and they often involve several can’t-miss details. 

How do you keep track of them all?
It’s simple – download our free resource, Charity Golf Tournament Fundraiser Checklist, to access a detailed outline of the tasks you and your team will need to accomplish before, during, and after the event.

How To Plan A Golf Tournament Fundraiser

Charity golf tournaments are popular with several different types of donors and can bring in important funds for your mission. But there are many steps you need to take to ensure your golf fundraiser goes off without a hitch. 

Your first to-do? Download and review the free Charity Golf Tournament Fundraiser Checklist above. You’ll find all the tasks you need to complete in the months and weeks leading up to your event, as well as a day-of checklist and even tips on what needs to be done immediately following the fundraiser. 

Then, follow these steps to get started: 

  1. Recruit your event committee – This group of people, which can be made up of any combination of staff members, volunteers, and board members, will be vital to the success of your golf tournament. They will be in charge of finalizing all major decisions and can help coordinate everything on your to-do list.
  2. Set your budget and fundraising goals – Before you make any further decisions, you need to know how much you have to spend as well as what the goals are for the event. This way, you know exactly what costs can be incurred while still raising those vital funds. It’s also a good idea to set a few key performance indicators – or KPIs – for your event.
  3. Determine the basics – Start by picking your event date and then solidifying your venue. From there, you can decide on a theme, the type of golf tournament you’d like to host, and – if this is your organization’s first charity golf tournament – if you’d like the event to have a unique name or branding associated with it.
  4. Reach out to sponsors – To help with your budget, start reaching out to various businesses and individuals in the area that may be interested in sponsoring your event. They may be a general sponsor, or they could sponsor specific holes, goodie bags, golf carts, or any other item. Be sure to create sponsorship packages and offerings, such as logos featured in event marketing materials or signage, before contacting any potential sponsors.
  5. Determine pricing and event registration – Before you start inviting players to participate, you’ll need to decide on the pricing – use this event pricing strategy to help – as well as how you want players to register for the event. Consider using event ticketing software, such as Donorbox Events, to make it quick and easy for guests to register online.
  6. Start promoting the event – With your major details in place and event registration prepared, it’s time to promote the event! Begin by reaching out to former and potential players in your current contact lists via emails, mailed invitations, and phone calls. You can also ask them to bring their friends! Then, expand your reach by posting on social media, sending press releases to local media outlets, printing out flyers, and placing advertisements, as your budget allows. 

With these tasks taken care of, you’ll be well on your way to a successful golf tournament fundraiser. But there is still much to do! Refer back to that Charity Golf Tournament Fundraiser Checklist as well as this blog for a detailed breakdown of the steps above, plus many more to-dos that will keep you on track.


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