Craft the Perfect Appeal this Giving Tuesday

Download this guide to learn how to craft engaging Giving Tuesday appeals as emails or social media posts.

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that falls on November 28, 2023.  Do you have the right appeals strategy to make this your best Giving Tuesday yet? 

If you’re not sure, don’t worry – we have you covered! 

Download Giving Tuesday Appeals to see an example of an email and social media appeal. Learn how to make each type work for you with a comprehensive look at some research-backed methods to help your appeals drive more donations.

Tips for Your Giving Tuesday Communication Plan

As Giving Tuesday draws near, organizations everywhere are busy putting together their communication plans. Most communication plans will have a good balance of scheduled posts and emails throughout the day, with a bit of spontaneity thrown in, too! 

Here are the steps to building a strong Giving Tuesday communication plan: 

  1. Download the Giving Tuesday Appeals Resource. This will help you craft the perfect appeals with some research-backed methods to make them more engaging and thus more successful. 
  2. Find the images you’ll share on the day-of. These should highlight your mission and will serve as the basis of any fundraising stories you tell. 
  3. Write your social media posts. Choose which platforms you’ll target and write a handful of posts for each (note that you can repeat content but should also create some platform-specific content). Your posts should cover before, during, and after Giving Tuesday, with before serving as a teaser for your campaign and after showcasing your gratitude for all the gifts you received! 
  4. Schedule your social media posts using a social media scheduling app. Typically, these apps allow you to build one post for multiple social media platforms, which is a great time saver! 
  5. Write your email appeals. Remember, your supporters will be receiving a ton of Giving Tuesday communication. How can you make yours stand out? How can you make yours more compelling? Consult the Giving Tuesday Appeals Resource to learn more. 
  6. If your email marketing platform allows it, build your emails and schedule them. 
  7. Remember to leave some room for spontaneity! You’ll want to update your supporters will specific numbers throughout the day. 

We have several Giving Tuesday resources to help you prepare for the big day. Listen to Episode 83 of The Nonprofit Podcast to hear some must-dos and tips as you put your communication plan together. Read our Giving Tuesday 2023 Playbook for an in-depth guide to making a bigger difference and raising more money. 

Happy fundraising!

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Donorbox aims to provide nonprofits with simple, effective tools to manage their fundraising activities, form better relationships with their donors, and build sustainable growth for their organization.

As one of the industry’s top fundraising platforms, Donorbox offers a variety of products, including donate buttons, embedded fundraising forms, custom fundraising pages, Text-to-Give, Peer-to-Peer, crowdfunding campaigns & more.

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