The donor thank you letter – one of the most important, yet often over-looked, pieces of communication in your fundraising strategy.
A successful donor thank you is personalized, genuine, and shows the real impact they have made for your mission. But where do you start?
In our free resource, Donor Thank You Letters, we not only break down the anatomy of a great thank you, we also provide a template to help you write your own. Download it today!
What’s one of the best ways to make sure your donors continue to give to your organization? Say thank you!
Sending donor thank you letters should be at the top of your priority list throughout the year. And – no – your donation receipt doesn’t count. While the receipt that should be automatically sent to every donor with the gift date, amount, and tax information is critical, it is also transactional. Your organization also needs to send personal thank yous as a separate piece of donor communication.
These donor thank you letters are more relational in nature than the typical donation receipt, and they give you a chance to truly show the impact the donor has made on your mission and those you serve.
Every donor thank you letter should be:
Looking to thank a major donor? You should still send a thank you letter, but consider also asking your director or board chair to make a personal phone call.
And what about recurring donors? If their gift is made once a month or more, you don’t need to send a thank you note every time. But sending one every six months or even every quarter with an update about how their gifts are making a difference is a good idea!
For those first-time donors, it’s ideal to call out the fact that it is their first-ever gift to your organization, and to thank them for choosing your mission to support. You can also consider including an invitation to tour your facility, attend an event, or otherwise learn more about your organization and what you do first-hand.
If you’re just getting started with writing donor thank you letters – or you think your current method could use a refresh – we have the perfect tool for you! Our free resource, Donor Thank You Letters, guides you through drafting an engaging thank you of your own. It includes a donor thank you letter sample as well as a template so that you can try writing one for yourself.
This donor thank you letter sample not only shows you an example of what a well-written note looks like, but it also provides several call-outs to walk you through each important piece of the letter. Then, the template guides you through every step of the process as you create your first draft.
Ready to get started? Download the Donor Thank You Letters resource above today! You can also check out our articles focused on thanking donors, including 10 Ways to Thank Your Nonprofit Donors and How to Host a Thank-a-Thon to Express Your Gratitude to Donors.
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